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  • Icon resources on the web for commercial and non-commercial use

    Karsten Lehmann  8 February 2012 08:44:18
    As Web and Notes developers, we often need to find icons of various sizes to use them in our applications.
    Since I found a new massive resource of free icons yesterday, I thought it might be a good idea so share some URLs.

    For commercial applications, we bought the Icon Experience library a few years ago, which contains about 2500+ icons in 7 sizes at a very affordable price:

    Free icons with varying licenses can be found here:


    For the latter, licenses reach from GPL, LGPL, Creative Commons to Public Domain. I guess for pure inhouse development, this is not that important, but if you plan to sell your application or publish it on OpenNTF, you should doublecheck if the icon license is ok for your use case.

    Feel free to add your own favorites by commenting on this article!

    1Jyotiprakash  08.02.2012 9:58:18  Icon resources on the web for commercial and non-commercial use

    The most favorite site of mine is { Link }

    2Mark Leusink  08.02.2012 13:50:17  Icon resources on the web for commercial and non-commercial use

    The Icon Experience set is great (and at a very reasonable prize).

    I also like the "fat cow" set. Can be found here: { Link }

    3Bernd Hort  16.03.2012 21:25:01  Icon resources on the web for commercial and non-commercial use

    I like the Icon Finder { Link }

    You can search for icons with parameters like commercial free and/or size of icon.

    Very nice. :-)